Evonomics is live!
The web magazine Evonomics is now live. The blurb:
A revolution in economics and business is taking place. Orthodox economics is quickly being replaced by the latest science of human behavior and how social systems work. Few are aware of these deep and profound changes underway that have power to transform the world. Not anymore! Evonomics is the home for thinkers who are applying the ground-breaking science to their lives and who want to see their ideas influence society.
I’d recommend these articles as a starting point:
Why Neoclassical and Behavioral Economics Doesn’t Make Sense without Darwin, by Terry Burnham
The Real Power of Free Markets, by Rory Sutherland
A Different Way to Look at the Economy, by W. Brian Arthur
Evolution Takes over One of the World’s Best Business Schools, by Jonathan Haidt
Who Is the Real Father of Economics?, an interview of Robert Frank by David Sloan Wilson
Also on Evonomics is my recent talk at the MSiX conference, Please, Not Another Bias! The Problem with Behavioral Economics.
The first batch of articles bashes neoclassical economics a lot. I hope that as the magazine evolves there will be some interesting interaction between the proponents of new approaches. Beneath the surface, there are some substantial differences between the proponents as to what this new approach looks like, and it will be interesting to see those differences teased out.